I know you must have been so very concerned when news of the sublevación reached you! But you must not worry mi amor . . . Los Secularistas did nothing more than rumble in their filthy godless poverty and then they did the most peculiar thing . . . They started a fire! They gathered around and started a fire like the heathens we have saved them from! Yelling about this being a lie and that being a fairy tale . . . it was all very pathetic and ungrateful. But while I watched from our palace, it occurred to me that these people had not yet realized the true nobility that comes from being the service of our lord. So later, just before dawn, after the fools had returned to their piles of hay and mud, I had my spearmen go and round them up. I explained to them that as I had watched their fire burn I had been sent a vision from Buddha . . . a vision of a great Templo
built to honor our savior and that they were to build it.
At first there was a bit of belligerent mumbles from the masses. They had not yet seen the brilliance and splendor that comes from devoted service. But they soon came to understand as all the able bodied men were immediately loaded into wagons to begin the Templo de Madrid.
Oh how silent the streets were after that! The people were struck dumb by the power of Spain and the beauty of our golden Templo. To thank me for bringing peace and salvation back to Madrid, the soldiers had some of the smaller or weaker esclavos - who were not able to contribute in any meaningful way to the great Templo - build a monument in my honor right in the center of the market where the fire had burned! To remind the people of how fortunate they are to have my vision and the grace of Buddha in their lives. I hear rumors these monuments have been built in every city as far as Barcelona!
Perhaps you have seen one or heard that my prophecy has lead to a progressive revolution in the labor structures of Spain. All over the kingdom, those who our lord has seen fit to lead have discouraged dissidents and unrest by enlisting those in their debt or who are unwilling to devote their lives to Buddha into holy service.
Unprecedented progress has come to Spain as roads, mines, farms, libraries and temples have bloomed in even the most remote cities. I hear rumors that Seville’s population has even grown to rival Madrid. I must pray that Buddha will give me the wisdom to understand why anyone would leave our paradise.
Te amo siempre . . . Isabella
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